Don’t Pay Full Price for Tickets

They run a great Black Friday sale each year with great discounts on both tickets and hotel rooms. You can also usually find coupons for free kids’ tickets in LEGO magazine or when they partner with other brands.

Best Time to Go To Legoland

LEGOLAND California is really fun year-round. It’s definitely more crowded on Fridays-Sundays than Mondays-Thursdays. And it’s crowded on holidays. So, that should be your first consideration.

Stay in a Legoland Hotel

The LEGOLAND hotels have tons of kids’ programming, pools, playgrounds, and more. It is super near the entrance too, making it easier to run back to the hotel and relax.

Two Days is Enough

With two days, you can easily do all the rides on your list, without feeling rushed or stressed.

It's About an Hour From San Diego

As you’re working on your LEGOLAND trip, it’s helpful to know that it’s about an hour’s drive from the San Diego Airport. And it can be even longer with traffic.

What To Wear to Legoland

Kids usually wear lego-related clothes while adults tend to wear jeans or “comfy” clothing like athleisurewear and athletic shoes.

What To Bring To Legoland

Bring sunscreen and a couple of snacks for the kids. You can also bring your LEGO miniatures if you want to trade them inside the park.

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to learn all the best tips before going to LEGOLAND California!